1. Bitumen Emulsions. SFERB, Paris 1991 [English Version Published by Colas France]
2. A Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual.anual series No. 19 3rd edition, AEMA, USA
3. Asphalt Emulsions (Chemistry and Concepts). Alan James, 2nd Asphalt Technology Conference of the Ameri¬cas, Austin, Texas, October 12-16m 1998
4. Manufacturing Process and Emulsion Properties, G. Durand and J. E. Poirer. AEMA 21" Annual meeting, Florida 1994
5. Formation of Emulsions, Pieter Wal-stra. 2"° World Congress on Emulsion. 23-26'" September 1997, Bordeaux, France. Volume 4, p 67-74
6. Influence of Continuous Phase Viscosity on Droplet Size in Continuous Emulsification, Michael Stang, Herve Maze, Helmar Schubert, 2nd World Emulsion Congress, 23-26'" September 1997, Bordeaux, France, paper 1-2-289
7. The Esso SMEP Process, Jean-Luc Marchal, 1" World Congress on Emul¬sion, 19-22n0 October 1993, Paris, France, paper 1-12-208
8. Water Enclosed within the Droplets of Bitumen Emulsions and its Re¬lation to Viscosity Change during Storage. Susan Furlong, Alan James, Edward Kalinowski and Martin Thomp¬son, 2nd World Congress on Emulsion 23-26 September 1997, Bordeaux France, paper 2-4-009
9. Granulometry of Bitumen Emulsions by Image Analysis, Alain Sainton, 2"° World Congress on Emulsion, 23-26'" September 1997, Bordeaux, France, paper 2-1-248.
10. Specifying Slurry Surfacing Emul¬sion Quality: Particle Size Distri¬bution, Mikael Engman, Alan James, David Needham and Tony Ng, ISSA 36" Annual meeting 1998, San Diego. USA.
11. Solving Viscosity Problems by the Choice of Emulsifier, Alan James, 24" AEMA Annual Meeting, 14-16" March 1997, Cancun, Mexico.
12. Bitumen Emulsion Formulation: Use of Chemicals versus droplet size distribution to control Viscosity and Cohesion Kinetics, Michel Bailie. Emmanuel Arrachard and Jean-Eric Poirier, 2"" World Congresson Emulsion, 23-16'" September 1997, Bordeaux, France, paper 2-1-367.
13. A 5-stage model for the Bitumen Emulsion Setting and its Importance for the Formulation and Application of such Emulsion, Walther Glet, 2nd World Congress on Emulsion, 23-26'" September 1997, Bordeaux France, paper 4-1C-070.
14. Role of Cationic Emulsifiers in Rapid-Setting Bitumen emulsions: Study of the Distribution between the two Emulsion Phases, Graziella Durand an Jean-Eric Poirier, 2"" World Congress on Emulsion, 23-26'" September 1997, Bordeaux, France, paper 4-1B-295.
15. Mechanismes de Rupture des Emul¬sions de Bitume Routier, Maurice Bourrel and Francis Verzaro, L'Act Chim. (AS-R), 1996, 2.3, 42-48.
16. Zeta potential Measurements on Bitumen Emulsions and Road Aggregates, Julia Wates and Alan James, 1" World Congress on Emul¬sion, 19-22TM October 1993, Paris, France, paper 1-40 089.
17. The Direct Measurement of the Ad¬sorption of Cationic Surfactants onto the Surface of Slurry Seal Ag¬gregates. Alan James, David Stewart and Julia Wates, ISSA 28'" Conven¬tion, 1990, Tampa, Florida.
18. Electrophoretische Untersuchung des Brechverhalten von Bitumen Emulsionen, Amir Samadijavan, Bitu¬men 4/94, 151-156.
19. Phase Behaviour and Stability of Asphalt Emulsions, Fernando Leal Calderon, Jaques Biais an Maurice Bourrel, 1s" World Congress on Emul¬sion, 19-22nd Octo-ber 1993, Paris, France, paper 1-22-029
20. The Reactivity Test, Nadjib Bous-sad, 1s' World Congress on Emulsion. 19-22"" October 1993, Paris. France, paper 2-20-209.
21. The Evaporation Filtration Test for Emulsion Inversion, Jean-Luc Mar¬chal, ASTM Symposium on Asphalt Emulsions 1988, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
22. Surface Dressing with Bitumen Emulsions: A Practical and Cost Effective Maintenance Technique to increase the Lifetime of Roads. David Stewart, Bitumen Asia 95, 20-21s" November 1995, Singapore.
23. What You Need to Know about Slurry Seal, Barry Dunn, Better Roads, March 1996, 21-25.
24. Environmental and Safety aspects of Cationic Bitumen Emulsions, Alan James and Bengt-Arne Thorstensson, 5'" ISSA World Congress, Berlin 2002.
25. Emulsification of High Softening Point Materials, Alan James and Sundaram Logaraj, World Congress
on Emulsion, Lyon France 2002.
26. A Study of Cement Modified Bitumen Emulsion Mixtures, S.F. Brown and David Needham, Proceedings of
the technical session of AAPT, Reno, Nevada, 2000.
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